Marista's Cuba Business Honesty Is The Best Financial Policy

Honesty Is The Best Financial Policy

By John Sage sales coach

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the next instalment in my Guidelines of Life blog site series. In the last edition,we discussed the value of having guidelines,how to produce your own guidelines,and a couple of other tips to adopt a wealth state of mind.

Let’s not lose at any time and get to the next 3 rules. These are a bit various than the last,and I want you to believe about the time you invest showing and evaluating past choices.

Rule Five: Know thyself

Do you truly know yourself? No,I indicate do you actually know yourself? Do you understand your habits,failures,successes,insecurities,etc.? The response may shock you.
We have blinders on in our everyday lives. It doesn’t matter whether you’re driving to the donut shop or signing a multi-million-dollar property investment offer,you’re probably not looking carefully in the mirror.

The thing is,all of the finest investors in the world know themselves inside and out and you can too with a bit of practice.

It’s everything about comprehending your procedure for examining investment choices. If you can establish a system to objectively comprehend the risk and benefits of a choice,you’ll make much better decisions in the long-run.

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Rule 6: Values and value exchange

I desire to stop for a minute to make one thing clear: these are 2 various things that I’m describing.

Ethics are the bypassing concepts that assist you throughout life. They’re your morals and assist to keep you from losing control of your life. With these ethics,browsing struggling waters becomes much easier as you essentially already have a roadmap to use to base all of your choices.

Value exchange,on the other hand,refers to the process of wealth exchange. To build wealth,you need to give something of value on your side of the exchange.
You can’t have one without the other,and if you desire to prosper and adopt a wealthy frame of mind,you need to establish worths that you can then exchange. To put it just,to develop wealth,you require to add worth.

Rule 7: Integrity

Anybody can lie,cheat,or take in the investing world. In truth,Hollywood movies like WallStreet and others show this practice and have actually moved the public’s perception. Let me tell you something: you won’t make it really far in the long-run without some stability.

Individuals capture on to the liars and cheats in the investing world,and although you could get some short-term success,it will go out,and your reputation will be trash.
So,to top off this blog site post,I desire to sum up a number of points:

  • To make it throughout life, you need to know yourself. You require to come in person with your successes, failures, fears, requirements, and desires.
  • You likewise need to define your core values in life. What concepts assist you? When you can determine this, you can begin adding value to wealth exchanges.
  • â? Finally,you require to have integrity and do whatever honestly. It might take longer to see success, but you’ll have better luck in the long-run, develop more powerful relationships, and more stable wealth.

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The last three rules await you in my next blog site. Register for this blog and follow me on social media to never miss out on an upgrade!

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Using Certo to Potentially Pass a Drug Test: Steps to ConsiderUsing Certo to Potentially Pass a Drug Test: Steps to Consider

Certo, a brand of fruit pectin often used in jam and jelly making, has gained popularity as a potential method to help pass a drug test NDTV. While there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness, some individuals claim that using Certo may interfere with drug metabolites and potentially produce a negative result. If you choose to explore this method, here are the steps to consider:

1. Understanding the Theory:

The theory behind using Certo to pass a drug test is that the fruit pectin forms a gel-like substance in the digestive system, which, in theory, may trap drug metabolites and prevent their release into the urine. This could potentially result in a negative drug test. However, it’s important to note that there is no guarantee that this method will work, as the effectiveness varies among individuals.

2. Selecting the Right Product:

Ensure you choose the correct type of Certo for this method. Certo is available in two forms: liquid and powder. Both forms have been used by individuals attempting to pass drug tests, but it’s important to follow the specific instructions for the chosen form.

3. Preparing the Mixture:

To use Certo for a drug test, you will need to mix it with a flavored drink, such as a sports drink or fruit juice. The process typically involves the following steps:

a. Start by drinking a glass of water to hydrate your body. b. Follow the instructions provided with the Certo product to mix the appropriate amount with your chosen drink. Typically, one pouch or one liquid Certo packet is used. c. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the Certo is completely dissolved.

4. Consuming the Mixture:

It’s recommended to drink the Certo mixture around 1 to 2 hours before the scheduled drug test. Some individuals also suggest consuming an additional glass of water after consuming the Certo mixture to ensure hydration.

5. Urinating Frequently:

After consuming the Certo mixture, it’s important to urinate frequently before the drug test. The idea is that the gel-like substance formed by the Certo may trap drug metabolites in the digestive system and prevent their release into the urine. By urinating frequently, you may potentially eliminate more metabolites from your system.

Important Notes:

  • The effectiveness of using Certo to pass a drug test is anecdotal, and there is no scientific consensus on its reliability.
  • Drug testing methods can vary, and some tests may detect the presence of masking agents or adulterants, which can lead to failed tests or additional scrutiny.
  • It’s essential to understand that attempting to tamper with a drug test or using adulterants is generally considered unethical and may have legal consequences.
  • It’s crucial to consult with professionals and comply with legal and ethical standards when facing a drug test.


Using Certo as a potential method to pass a drug test has gained popularity among some individuals, although scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. If you choose to explore this method, it’s important to understand the theory behind it, select the right Certo product, follow the preparation instructions, consume the mixture at the appropriate time, and urinate frequently before the test. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the reliability of this method is not guaranteed, and tampering with drug tests may have legal and ethical implications. Consulting professionals and adhering to legal and ethical standards is essential in any drug testing situation.

A Short Guide On Search Engine OptimsationA Short Guide On Search Engine Optimsation

SEO – Search engine optimisation is the method of optimising a website to get a place near to the top of search engine result pages for targeted phrases. However SEO is continuously evolving and things that used to work a few years earlier,are now no longer considered the right way to optimise a website. In fact,Google has been continuously updating search algorithms and has also introduced new technologies such as Rank Brain to provide the most optimum results for their users.

Since the algorithms are a trade secret,professionals in the SEO industry are forced to conduct their own tests in order to determine the factors that truly determine the rankings of webpages in the search engine result pages. All the knowledge about SEO is derived from hardworking professionals who carefully go through patents filed by Google as well as by conducting tests in order to determine what actually works.

The field of search engine optimsation can be broadly divided into on page optimisation and off page optimisation.

On Page Optimisation

This category broadly covers all the aspects of a website that are under the control of the site owner. Presence of right meta data,structured data,high-quality content,use of LSI keywords,page loading speed,technical aspects of SEO such as allowing crawlers proper access to all the webpages form the core of on page optimisation.

There are several tools available online that can help a webmaster ensure proper optimisation of all the pages on a website as per the rules issued by major search engines including Google and Bing among others.

Off Page Optimisation

This category primarily covers links from other websites. While SEO has changed a lot over the years,links from other websites remain the primary factor that determines the ranking of a web page.

One of the best ways to attract high quality links is to publish useful and authoritative content on a regular basis. Such content naturally attracts high-quality links. Another way to attract high quality links is to run a blogger outreach campaign in order to get links from other authority websites by publishing high-quality content on those websites.

SEO Tips for 2019

One of the biggest changes expected in 2019 and in the future is the rise of voice search. Most people use search engines such as Google on their mobile devices and the primary mode of search is voice search. Therefore,it is important to optimise your website for voice search by answering questions that are likely to be asked by users.

User experience is becoming a much more important factor for search engine optimisation with the advent of Rank Brain. Rank Brain is the machine learning AI technology used by Google. It is also speculated that time spent on a website is going to play a much more important role in the search rankings as it is one of the primary factors used by Rank Brain for calculating web rankings.

Google has recently announced that it is switching to mobile first index. In simple terms,it means that the mobile version of your website will be considered the primary version by Google for crawling,indexing and ranking purposes. Make sure your site is fast and well optimised for users using mobile devices,like smartphones,as well as those using desktop PCs,if you want to stay at the top of search results.

In Conclusion

Overall,search engine optimsation will keep evolving as algorithmic updates become ever more frequent. However,the very best way to optimise your website is to ensure that your users are well served and entertained/ informed. Keep posting high-quality useful content on your site and pay special attention to the user experience to get to the top of the rankings.